What Do We See in the Transfiguration?

We hope that you can join us for worship on Sunday, March 2nd, as we observe Transfiguration Sunday and gather around the Lord’s table for communion.  Pastor Tapa will preach on the question “What Do We See in the Transfiguration?”, based on the Scripture in Luke 9: 28-36.  Special music for this service will include piano solos played by Jonathan Wing and a choral anthem, “Be Thou My Vision.”

Following the service we will gather in the Fireside Room for fellowship and refreshments.

Come join our Crystal Springs family on Sunday!

We hope that you can join us on Wednesday, March 5th, as we observe the beginning of Lent. 

This Ash Wednesday  service will begin at 7 PM and will include the singing of hymns, a reflection by our pastor, and the imposition of ashes.