Prayers for The Commission on a Way Forward

Brothers and Sisters,

At the 2016 General Conference of our United Methodist Church, the Council of Bishops was asked to help the Church find a way forward on the concern of human sexuality within a commitment to our unity.   In response to this request the Council of Bishops has organized a Commission on a Way Forward.  The link below provides further information about this Commission, its mission and vision and the scope of its work.

The Commission on a Way Forward will gather on January 22-26, 2017, for its organizing meeting.  One of our own clergy persons from the California-Nevada Conference, the Rev. Brian Adkins, has been invited to serve on this world-wide commission.

This is a critical moment in the life of The United Methodist Church.  Let us hold the Commission on a Way Forward in our prayers.  May the Holy Spirit guide its members as they help our Church discern the will of God for us, our mission and our ministry.

Blessings to all of you,

Bishop Minerva G. Carcaño